Parkland School Shooting Revives Issue of Better Mental Health Facility

In the wake of the recent massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where a former student, Nicolas Cruz, went on a rampage killing 17 and injuring as many, the United States realized the need for more facilities for better mental health care across the nation. Even President Donald Trump admitted that a "part of the problem is we used to have mental institutions" and assured "we're going to be talking seriously about opening mental health institutions again."カウンセリング 福井県

Experts agree with Trump, as severe conditions like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia require long-term care in institutions specifically built for the purpose. Though many agree that the system needs an upgrade, sceptics have their doubts over the role of mental asylums in controlling mass shootings. They have emphasized that it is incorrect to attribute every act of violence to mental illness, or consider those engaging in such activities to be isolated, alienated and hostile.

Moreover, it is difficult to predict a person's machinations. It is equally challenging to determine whether a person will commit a crime or not just by looking at him or her. Keeping someone incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital is not the solution, as it will not separate the wheat from the chaff. For every Nicolas, there are many more high-strung individuals witnessing dramatic changes in their mood due to the chemical imbalance in their brain.

Besides, most patients with a mental disorder are not violent and are rarely involved in life-threatening crimes. The recent shootout has been covered in controversy, with many affirming that the perpetrator was of a sound mind. This contradicts the above-mentioned viewpoint of the president. Therefore, it is necessary to ascertain the purpose of these mental health institutions in the current context and delve into the history of these snake pits, as called in earlier times.

Purpose of mental health institutions

Before the advent of antipsychotic medications, chiefly administered for calming down a person experiencing delusions or hallucinations, there were mental asylums. When families would feel they could no longer cope with a person with an unsound mind, they would drop him or her to mental asylums. The condition of asylums back then was extremely sad. Patients were straitjacketed, abused and neglected. Patients with severe conditions like schizophrenia and epilepsy were often kept together. At times, they were liable to cause harm to each other.

In 1955, the number of patients living in such institutions peaked to around 560,000. In 1963, the then President John Kennedy gave impetus to the community mental health centers through the Community Mental Health Act. This led to a paradigm shift in mental health care. It became possible for the people suffering from mental disorders to undergo treatment at the community health centers while carrying out their daily routine. Later, many mental health institutions were shut down or "deinstitutionalized" either due to the lack of funds or growing popularity of outpatient clinics.

Currently, the situation has deteriorated to the extent that there are not sufficient beds for patients with a critical mental health ailment. Among 34 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the ranking of the U.S. has declined to 29 with regard to the number of psychiatric beds per 100,000 people.

Overcoming mental health issues

Sadly, most patients suffering from some severe mental problem land up in jails due to the lack of awareness and insufficient rehabilitation measures. Whether it is a substance abuse problem or a mental disorder, reports indicate that many incarcerated American prisoners are afflicted with some psychiatric disorder. Once diagnosed with a mental ailment, many are left to fend for themselves, increasing the risk of homelessness and vagrancy. As all mental illnesses can be treated, the patients can return to normal life by undergoing effective treatment procedures.

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